I trained and worked as a management accountant within the Social Housing Sector for 12 years, then set up my own consultancy practice specialising in providing Finance Director and accountancy services to small businesses.
I have a younger brother with severe learning difficulties and epilepsy, who has been supported by Linkability on and off for thirty years. Whilst working in the social Housing sector I worked in the department for housing provision for adults with learning disabilities.
Lifelong experience with my brother, and the continual fight for everything he is entitled to has given me an excellent insight in the difficulties faced by the sector in these challenging times.
My finance background gives me the ability to oversee the running of the finances within the organisation, and my housing experience aids in the property aspects of the business. I feel it is important to be able to give time to support Linkability and give something back.
Committed to providing the very best care or personal support required in order to meet the needs of people using its services. Call us today, we have offices through out the North West
01257 241899
01772 524567
01706 398992
01695 666637
Link-Ability is a registered Charity with its registered office in Chorley, Lancashire. We also have branches in Preston, Rochdale and West Lancashrie
Link-Ability Charity Limited
(Charity Reg 701132)
Company Ltd by guarantee
Reg in England No 2350533